Our Team
To find out more about a team member, click the link to view their profile.

Gemma Savory
Community Writer
As an ostomate I’ve been operating within the community for the last five years helping bladder and bowel patients get the support they need.

Simon Jones
Actively working within the community since 2017 to help bladder and bowel patients realise the choice they have when finding a home delivery provider.

Alannah-Jayne Simpson
Community Writer
Ostomy, Chronic Illnesses and Mental health blogger via my blog. I am very passionate about stoma care, raising awareness and helping charities. I am documenting my pregnancy with my conditions and keep it real! I like to help other ostomates get the right home delivery service as we all as recommending stoma wear, stoma care products and tips and tricks.

Community Writer
We’re always looking for writers to join our team. If you’re interested in working with us then click the button below and send us a message.