For various reasonsI have to contact Fittleworth regularly to ensure my delivery arrives on time . In the past this has been relatively easy but now it seems almost impossible to contact Fittleworth – long fruitless waiting times on a line that is clearly being managed to limit access or a failure to ring back when I choose that option. In this field where delivery is so critical this is unacceptable in my view. Otherwise
For various reasonsI have to contact Fittleworth regularly to ensure my delivery arrives on time . In the past this has been relatively easy but now it seems almost impossible to contact Fittleworth – long fruitless waiting times on a line that is clearly being managed to limit access or a failure to ring back when I choose that option. In this field where delivery is so critical this is unacceptable in my view. Otherwise when things work the company is reliable and the staff when you can get to speak to them polite and helpful- hence my scores. Something seems to have gone wrong.