Travelling with a Stoma

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Travelling with a stoma may seem intimidating, whether it’s your first time or not. But with some preparation and a positive attitude, it can be a pleasant experience. Planning ahead and staying positive can make travelling stress-free, whether it’s abroad or within your own country. Here are some key points and tips to ensure your travels go smoothly. 

When Travelling With a Stoma, Preparation is Key

Below are a few specific things to consider when travelling with a stoma.

Medical Supplies: Travelling with a stoma requires preparation and organisation and it’s recommended to always bring more supplies than you anticipate needing, including; 

  • Extra pouches
  • Flanges, wipes
  • Any other items that you regularly use such as disposable bags or scissors.

A good rule of thumb is to bring at least double the amount you would normally use for the duration of your trip.

Documentation:  When travelling with a stoma, you can bring a note from your doctor or carry a medical notification card explaining your condition and the necessity of your supplies. These notification cards can be found free of charge from a variety of providers. This can be helpful at places like airport security or if you need medical assistance while away.

Stoma Travel Bag: Have a small, portable stoma travel bag in your hand luggage for easy access during your travels. See below an example from Salts Medilink. 

Plan for pit stops: If you’re travelling by car, plan your route with frequent stops. This will allow you to check and change your pouch if necessary.

Travel insurance: Ensure your travel insurance covers medical conditions related to your stoma. This will give you peace of mind in case of emergencies.

While annual policies can be a rarity for stoma patients, many companies do offer single-trip cover. 

If you have found a company that offers multi-trip coverage please let us know through our Contact Us page.

Destination research: Before you begin a trip it might be an idea to locate the closest hospitals, pharmacies and disabled toilets. This will help you in case you require medical assistance or ostomy supplies.

For domestic travel within the UK, you could consider obtaining a RADAR Key which allows you to access over 10,000 disabled toilets across the country. These can be found in various online stores and cost around £5, or your provider may be able to provide one to you, free of charge. 

A Medilink Stoma Travel Bag
This is a stoma travel bag available on the Salts Medilink website.

Stoma Packing List & Travel Essentials 

When travelling with a stoma it is important to not forget any supplies you may need throughout the trip. Here is a starter list of supplies you may need for ostomy care during the holidays to help make your trip more comfortable and enjoyable. 

You may also want to add other items and supplies that you have found useful from previous experience.

Essential Stoma Supplies:

  • Stoma bags
    • Both one-piece and two-piece systems, if you use both.
    • Take double the amount you would normally use.
  • Flanges
  • Skin barrier wipes or sprays
  • Adhesive removers
  • Stoma powder
    • Used for protecting the skin around your stoma and to avoid any irritation.
  • Stoma paste
    • To ensure a safe and secure seal.
  • Cleaning supplies
    • Non-alcoholic cleansing wipes and gentle soap if you prefer to use your own.
  • Disposal bags
    • For the discarding of used pouches and supplies, odour proof disposal bags are a great option.
  • Protective sheets or seals
    • These are ideal for swimming or showering.

Stoma Travel Essentials:

  • Stoma kit / stoma travel bag
    • This is a portable bag containing supplies which are available for easy access during travel. 
  • Hand sanitiser
    • Perfect for general hygiene when other options are not available.
  • Portable mirror
    • Helps with the application of supplies when using public transport or bathrooms.

General Stoma Supplies:

  • Comfortable clothing
    • Don’t forget swimwear and nightwear.
  • Snacks and drinks
    • Bringing food and drink you are comfortable and familiar with can make a much more pleasant journey.

Tips for Packing When Travelling With a Stoma

Once you have completed your packing list and prepared all your ostomy supplies and essentials, all that remains is to pack.

Find below some extra tips we suggest when travelling with a stoma:

  • Carry-On Bag:
    • Keep essential supplies in your hand luggage in case of delays or lost luggage.
    • Include a change of clothes and enough supplies for at least a couple of days in case of any delays or cancellations.
  • Checked Luggage:
    • Distribute your supplies across multiple bags to mitigate the risk of losing everything if one bag goes missing.
  • Labelling:
    • Clearly label all your supplies to make them easier to find and organise.
  • Organisation:
    • Use small, clear bags to organise supplies within your luggage.

Getting Through Airport and Security With A Stoma

Now we’ve got the preparation and packing sorted, let’s talk about airport security when travelling with a stoma.

Below is a list of essential items and information to help you prepare for getting through the airport and airport security with a stoma.


Medical Notification Card

Consider using a notification card to discreetly inform security about your stoma. This card is from Convatec, but many other providers may give you a free one if you request it.

A stoma medical notification card from convatec that can be displayed to security
This medical notification card is available on the Convatec website.
A crowded airport


Security and Screening

Be prepared to explain your condition to security officers. They are trained to handle medical situations discreetly and professionally.


Hydration and Diet

Stay hydrated and choose your food and drinks wisely before and during your trip to prevent any discomfort or problems.

Water being poured into a glass
People boarding a plane


Priority Boarding

If available, take advantage of priority boarding. This can give you extra time to settle in and organise your stoma supplies, reducing stress when travelling with a stoma.

If you are heading to a foreign destination or are looking for anymore tips and tricks when travelling abroad with a stoma, make sure to follow the link above.

Enjoying Your Trip 

Congratulations! You have arrived at your holiday destination. Below you will find some further tips on how to enjoy your trip.  

  • Eating Out: Experiment with different foods but be cautious of items that may cause gas or digestive issues. Ensure your supplies are always within reach.
  • Confidence and Comfort: Wear clothing that makes you feel comfortable and confident. Many stylish options exist that are designed to accommodate stomas without compromising on fashion.
  • Stay Active: Don’t let your stoma stop you from enjoying activities. When you go swimming, use waterproof covers to keep water out of the bag. Make sure to take necessary precautions to ensure your comfort and safety. 

Get Support from your Stoma Community 

If you are looking for any more tips, there are a variety of communities with people who have already travelled with stomas. 

  • Online Support Groups: Join online communities for tips and support from fellow ostomates with similar conditions.
  • Local Support: Research if there are any local support groups or resources at your destination that can offer assistance.
A woman talking to a support group

Travelling with a stoma may need more planning, but don’t let it stop you from enjoying new experiences. With the right preparation, you can have a fantastic and stress-free trip. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Travelling with a Stoma

Can I travel with a stoma, and do I need to take any special precautions?

Yes, you can travel with a stoma. Here are a few special precautions to consider:

Customs and Regulations: Research customs regulations for medical supplies in the countries you will be visiting. Some countries may have restrictions or require documentation for certain items.

Vaccinations and Health Precautions: Ensure you have all necessary vaccinations for your destination. Carry a letter from your doctor detailing your medical condition and the need for your ostomy supplies.

How do I handle long flights or train journeys with a stoma?

Long flights or train journeys require a bit more planning and preparation, here are some things to consider when booking:

  • Seat Selection: Choose an aisle seat close to the bathroom for easier access.
  • Timing: Time your meals and drinks to minimise the need for frequent changes during the journey.
  • Comfort: Wear loose fitting clothing to stay comfortable and avoid irritation around your stoma site. Consider using a travel pillow for added comfort.
  • Hygiene: Carry hand sanitiser and extra cleaning supplies to maintain hygiene in any less than ideal conditions.
Please note: The information throughout these pages should be used as a guide only. Please consult your GP or medical professional for further information about your condition.

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