I find it quite strange that thevrequest for reordering has to be done in such a roundabout way for the first 6 months. There are enough new things to get used to without having to worry about phoning your company, so you can request a prescription from the doctors, which can get overlooked by the staff at the doctors, then having to sort it all out from this end. Why can there nit be a
I find it quite strange that thevrequest for reordering has to be done in such a roundabout way for the first 6 months. There are enough new things to get used to without having to worry about phoning your company, so you can request a prescription from the doctors, which can get overlooked by the staff at the doctors, then having to sort it all out from this end. Why can there nit be a standing order put in place from the first order, so that the company deal directly with the doctors surgery ??